Staff Brief for Teaching Online

Like all schools in China, the 2nd semester of the 2019-2020 school year was online. The software chosen was called DingTalk (钉钉), and all staff had to be trained as fast as possible. As distance learning was now mandatory, an eLearning solution was determined to be the best choice. This module served as an introduction to the program, as well as a primer for teaching minors online. The non-interaction portions of the module were also available as a PDF, to serve as a checklist in case of any issues.


Software: Adobe Captivate v11.0

Usage: 100% of staff (required)

Result: All classes were staffed within 5 days notice that online teaching was to be the norm. The module was had minor changes for for the outbreak during the 2021-2022 school year to reflect changes in the DingTalk app, staff feedback, and changes in procedures.